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We had our Christmas Party this last week and here are a couple pictures of a few of our GANG. We love them
our friends who work so hard for us and are honest and loyal. How did Angie and I get so blessed to work with
such good people? Thanks to my staff Russell Johns, Matt Messerly, Kayline, Marie LeRoy, Gloria. Thanks to
my Foremen, Jose Ambrocio, Ramon, Sergio, Edgar, etc. Thanks to my brother Dale who works part-time as a
salesman and he does great. All great people.
It was a great family event. The “Laser Tag” was epic. Because of my Achilles surgery, I pretty much stayed in
one corner and the kids had fun coming by shooting me because I was an easy target but I got them back and
the BLUE team barely conquested (like that word?). Look forward to our next epic battle next year kids.
Thanks to all our 22+ employees and their families.
Merry Christmas!
~Shaun & Angie Heaton

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